4 Days Mount Meru Climb



2 Days - 3 Nights

Tour Type



2 People


6 People

Destinations Arusha
Start in Arusha
End in Arusha
Major Attractions
  • Steep climbs and a variety of weather conditions
  • Volcanic Ash Climb
  • Transport to/from Arusha National Park
  • Overnight stays in mountain huts
  • Professional, experienced, mountain guides:
  • All Park fees
  • Rescue fees
  • All meals while on the Mountain
  • Guides, Porters, cook salaries, and park fees
  • Large portions of fresh, healthy nutritious food
  • Clean, purified drinking water
  • Crisis management and safety procedures
  • Fair and ethical treatment of porters
  • Airport transfers
  • Accommodation in Arusha
  • Tanzania Visa
  • Gratuity
  • Personal Expenses (e.g. laundry, telephone, beverages, etc.)
  • Meals not listed above
  • Optional Tours (short safari after your climb etc)
Travel With Car
  • 01
    Day 1: Momella Gate - Mariakamba Huts

    Your Mount Meru climb adventure begins at Momella Gate, where you'll meet your guide and porters. After registration formalities, you'll enter Arusha National Park and start trekking through the Montane forest. The trail offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and wildlife, including buffaloes, giraffes, and baboons. After a few hours of hiking, you'll reach Mariakamba Huts, your first campsite, located at an altitude of 2,514 meters above sea level. Here, you can rest and enjoy a hot meal prepared by your cook before retiring to your tent for the night.

  • 02
    Day 2: Mariakamba Huts - Saddle Huts

    After breakfast, you'll leave Mariakamba Huts and start ascending towards the moorland zone, passing through heather and alpine meadows. Along the way, you'll have panoramic views of the Meru Crater and the Ash Tray, which are remnants of past volcanic activity. You'll also encounter unique plant species such as giant lobelias and groundsel. After a challenging but rewarding hike, you'll arrive at Saddle Huts, situated at an altitude of 3,570 meters above sea level. Here, you can rest and acclimatize to the high altitude while enjoying the stunning views of Mount Meru and Kilimanjaro.

  • 03
    Day 3: Saddle Hut - Summit

    Today is the day you've been waiting for: the summit day! You'll wake up early in the morning and have a light breakfast before starting the final ascent. The trail is steep and rocky, but your guide and porters will be with you every step of the way to provide support and encouragement. As you climb higher, the air will become thinner, and the temperature will drop, so make sure you're dressed in warm layers. After a few hours of climbing, you'll reach the summit of Mount Meru, standing at an elevation of 4,562 meters above sea level. The view from the top is simply breathtaking, with the entire Arusha National Park and surrounding areas visible on a clear day. You'll take some time to rest and take photos before starting the descent to Saddle Huts.

  • 04
    Day 4: Saddle Hut - Momella Gate

    After a well-deserved rest at Saddle Huts, you'll start the descent back to Momella Gate, passing through the same scenic route you took on the way up. You'll have a chance to see some wildlife again, and your guide will share interesting facts and stories about the flora and fauna of the area. After about four hours of hiking, you'll reach Momella Gate, where you'll receive your certificate of achievement and bid farewell to your guide and porters. From there, you can continue your safari adventure or head back to Arusha to rest and reminisce about your unforgettable Mount Meru climb.

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