Zanzibar, also known as Spice Island, is an African destination that combines culture and history with stunning natural beauty. Visitors to this island can expect to find idyllic white-sand beaches lined with swaying palm trees and crystal-clear waters perfect for swimming and snorkeling.
One of the main draws of Zanzibar is its rich cultural heritage, which can be seen in its historic Stone Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Stone Town tour is a must-do for anyone visiting Zanzibar, where they can wander through narrow streets lined with old buildings, bustling markets, and ancient mosques.
For those looking for more adventure, Zanzibar offers a range of short excursions that can be taken undertaken within the island. These include a Dolphin tour, where visitors can swim with these intelligent creatures, a visit to the Prison Island, a historical site where slaves were kept, a tour of the Forodhani market, which offers a wide range of local delicacies, and a trip to the Jozani Forest to see the famous red colobus monkey. Finally, on the south coast of Zanzibar, the Menai Bay Conservation Area offers the opportunity to see different species of sea turtles in their natural habitat.